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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Skin Rejuvenation


Aesthetic Procedures


How does it work and how is it different from other IPL?

Many other lasers and photo rejuvenation devices, claim to deliver state-of-the-art photo rejuvenation. With these basic photo rejuvenation procedures you may notice a degree of improvement in the appearance of some aspects of your skin, particularly an improvement in vascular and melanin based discolorations.

However, by combining RadioFrequency and Intense Pulsed Light into one FotoFacial RF™ treatment, you will achieve the optimal degree of enhancement to all components of your skin. By adding the RadioFrequency to the Intense Pulsed light, the FotoFacial RF™ procedure can now boast excellent, no downtime wrinkle improvements together with the significant improvement in redness, rosacea, pinkness, spider veins, pores and texture.

What does the procedure involves?

Each treatment takes about 30 minutes and involves pulses of bright visible light and RadioFrequency energy that are passed into the skin. Each treatment is gentle, most patients require 5 or 6 sessions to see the desired results and they are performed every 3 weeks. In certain skin types, a microdermabrasion is performed between FotoFacial™ treatments to enhance the penetration of the light and RadioFrequency energy.

The FotoFacial RF treatments are simple, office based treatments. The area to be treated is first covered with a very thin layer of non-gel, aqueous RF conductive medium. This thin layer of non-gel aqueous medium is very important to conduct the RF current into the skin efficiently and serves no cooling function, as the hand piece of the FotoFacial RF™ device is dynamically cooled to help to protect the skin. Once the RF conductive medium has been applied, the entire face or chest or hands/ arms or other affected body part is treated with a gentle pulse of light and Radiofrequency energy.

What result might I expect from the treatment?

All patients notice a consistent improvement in the appearance of their skin. The degree of improvement is gradual and persistent over 5-6 sessions in 3 week interval. The noticeable and significant changes that have been reported include: Overall improvement in discoloration, blemishes and the skin pore texture can be expected. The degree of improvement can vary but averages 50-75% improvement in anything that is Pink and Vascular or Brown and Melanin in nature. The improvement in fine to moderate wrinkles, acne scarring, skin texture irregularities, laxity and smoothness is about 50-70%.

How long will the result last?

At the completion of the FotoFacial RF™ program the skin will have achieved a noticeable and consistent degree of improvement that over 90% of patients who are very happy with the outcome. Occasionally, some patients desire an even greater degree of improvement and these patients will sign up for additional procedures. Most patients will just desire to maintain the nice skin enhancements they achieved from the program and, for these patients, a single maintenance treatment is recommended every 2-4 months to keep the skin looking vital, even, smooth and youthful.

The results for this treatment may persist over one year and the skin will have a natural and youthful appearance. There are no significant side effects with this treatment and there is minimal risk of scarring. The FotoFacial™ procedure has increased in popularity and recognition to the point where it is now one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures.

Each pulse of the FotoFacial™ RF device, the Aurora or Galaxy, sends two types of energy into your skin, Intense Pulsed Visible Light and RadioFrequency energy, that act synergistically to enhance the skin. Energy is given up to brown spots, blood vessels, and redness to gradually and gently lessen or eliminate these blemishes. The RadioFrequency energy also produces significant amounts of collagen, elastin and ground substances in the dermis, resulting in a noticeable and significant smoothening of fine to moderate wrinkles and textural irregularities of the skin.


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